
Soba Crunch

A delightful snack with buckwheat flour ingredients.

A delightful snack with buckwheat flour ingredients.


1 1/2 cup buckwheat flour
1 2/3 tsp baking powder
4 eggs, lightly beaten
3 1/2 oz brown sugar
1/4 cup water


Mix the flour and baking powder together and make a well in the centre. Add the eggs and knead together until smooth and satiny. Form into a ball and let rise covered for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Knead again after that.
Roll out dough into ropes about 1/4 inch in diameter, then cut into 5-inch lengths.
Preheat vegetable oil to deep fry the sticks. Cook until lightly fried.
Remove and drain on a rack. Combine the sugar and water over medium heat until thick. Dip each stick into the sugar and serve.

One reply on “Soba Crunch”

Really your post is too wonderful, carry on your work and sharing your information with us.Soba contains all 8 essential amino acids, making it a healthy alternative to flour-based pastas. Soba Noodles Contain Potent Plant Compounds That Have Health Benefits. Eating buckwheat has been shown to benefit blood sugar, heart health, and inflammation and cancer prevention. This may be partly due to the seed’s plant compounds, including rutin and other antioxidants, as well as fiber.

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