
Mochi and Cheese Sandwich

Gooey and chewy. This is an easy way to include mochi in your diet. It makes cute appetizers as well!

Gooey and chewy. This is an easy way to include mochi in your diet. It makes cute appetizers as well!


Mochi, round or square pieces. Toasted or grilled, then while hot, sliced in half horizontally.
1 small slice of cheddar cheese for each mochi, small enough to fit between the two layers of each mochi
1 strip of toasted nori (seaweed)


After each mochi has been sliced and is still hot, sandwich a slice of cheese between the layers. The heat of the mochi should melt the cheese slightly. Then, wrap a strip of nori around the sandwich. The nori may not adhere to sandwich, so simply place the seam side down to keep it on the mochi. Serve with some soy sauce for dipping, and enjoy!